Tales of Enchantment #01: 2023 Reflection / Where Wisdom is Found
As 2023 comes to an end, we look back with full hearts and gratitude for all the magical moments and enchanted encounters we experienced this year. Most special is the realization of our book, Wisdom of Place—the fulfillment of many years of research on sacred landscapes and the genius loci, or spirit of place. We are thankful for the entire community of friends, family, and colleagues who have accompanied us on this journey, and hope that our readers are inspired by its message. We are thrilled and humbled by the recognition the book has received!
The landscape is an endless source of wonder for us. No doubt for you too! We’ll regularly share our stories of enchantment in this space, and invite you to share your tales of marvels. We’d love to hear where you find magic in the landscape…
Tales of Enchantment #01 - Where Wisdom is Found (The Rose | Books and Obscurities)
We enjoy driving down to the Monterey Peninsula for weekend getaways. Old Monterey, the historic downtown, is a treasure trove of fun for us. Chip looks forward to visiting Hellam’s Tobacco and Wine Shop, the oldest tobacco shop in California, where on a recent trip he was relaxing in the back room with a cigar. Liz sipped a glass of port and enjoyed watching a football game until the score and the smoke became overwhelming. She took a walk around the block to catch some fresh air and spied a shortcut back to where the car was parked.
We left Hellam’s and walked a short distance down a narrow side street. Liz looked up and pointed to a beautiful, old-fashioned, hand-painted sign in the shape of a giant book. It read “The Rose Books and Obscurities” – literally and figuratively, right up our alley!
The Rose Books & Obscurities Location / By Chip Sullivan
The window display reminded us of an old Victorian cabinet of curiosity. We entered the tiny shop to find an antiquarian world of ancient leather-bound tomes, beautifully carved wooden bookshelves, paintings, and collections of artifacts and ephemera. There were rare and old books on a range of subjects including alchemy, tarot, magic, Rosicrucianism, hermetic science, and much, much more. What an incredible discovery—a container of mystical knowledge
The Rose Books & Obscurities Window / By Chip Sullivan
We met the owner, Ernest Rodriguez, who appeared as if by magic from a secret corner. Ernest kindly showed us around the nooks and crannies of the place and told us that on our next visit, he would show us a rare, original print by Robert Fludd, whose illustrations are rumored to contain occult secrets for those able to interpret the diagrams. We left elated, and excited to find this hidden gem of lost knowledge!
We hope this enchanted encounter has inspired you to look for magic everywhere the same way it did with us.
What are some enchanted encounters you’ve experienced this year? Share with us in the comments!
With love, magic, and much appreciation—
Chip Sullivan & Elizabeth Boults
Photo by Amanda Goldsmith